Good Attendance
Our attendance target for this year is 96%.
Good attendance and punctuality are vital if pupils are to achieve their maximum potential. Halfway Junior School is committed to working with parents/carers and pupils to ensure that each pupil benefits from the academic, personal and social opportunities available to them during their years with us. Children who miss out on education are at an immediate disadvantage relative to their peers, and at a great cost to themselves and the community as a whole.
By working together with families, we can keep attendance at school at the highest possible rate for all pupils. This will ensure that children get the absolute most from their education at school. The young child, however, is dependent upon the adults in his/her life to get them to school regularly and on time. We aim to work with parent/carers to start to develop ‘self’ responsibility in the children. The school operates within a framework of local schools, including the linked secondary school.
We are, therefore, committed to a Family of Schools approach to attendance and a partnership relationship with parent/carers.
Our policy has been developed in conjunction with DfE and LA Guidance, implementing the principles and statutory framework of the Working Together to Improve School Attendance Guidance taking effect from August 2024. Follow this link for the full DfE strategy.
Attendance Procedures
The school will monitor and record attendance using the following registration system:
Please contact the school as soon as possible on the first day (and thereafter) of absence before 9:15am on 2482629. A voicemail service is available to leave a message for our office team. We will call you on the first day of absence if we have not heard from you and could invite you in to discuss the situation.
The school will respond to lateness (punctuality) in the following ways:
Term-time leave
All requests (one form per child, per request) for term time leave must be made to the Headteacher / Head of School on the 'Leave of Absence in Term Time Request Form', available from the school office, 20 days in advance of the leave of absence. A return date must be provided and a prompt return to school is essential.
Schools cannot grant leave for recreation, holiday or leisure. Only in exceptional circumstances will request of leave in term time be authorised.
Legally there is no entitlement for parents to take their child on holiday during term time and unauthorised absence may result in prosecution. If the request for exceptional leave/ term time absence is not authorised by the school, and a fixed penalty fine is issued, any further correspondence must be made through the Local Authority as per the letter received. Please note, financial considerations or parental leave opportunities are not considered exceptional circumstances under the national guidelines.
If queries are raised about holidays, parents/carers may be asked to provide evidence of the days taken e.g. flight tickets or accommodation receipts.
If the school has reason to believe a term time leave has been taken without request, it is the parents’ responsibility to prove otherwise (e.g. doctor’s appointment card, proof of medication etc).
Penalty Notice and Fining
The Local Authority have the right to enforce penalties for term time leave and irregular attendance in response to data collected by school. Please be aware that absence fines do not come back into school; the Local Authority reinvests this money into education across the city.
Please see the poster below, outlining how fines will be issued: