Our school meals are provided by Taylor Shaw and costs £2.30 per day, which is payable in advance via ParentPay.
The menu runs on a 3 week rota and offers a variety of choice throughout the week, including daily vegetarian options, jacket potatoes and sandwiches. A selection of breads, salads and drinking water are available daily. Yogurt and fruit is available everyday as an alternative to desert.
We also run one-off special menu days and share these with you in advance in our weekly newsletters.
The school council also contribute to the menu by selecting a 'Children's Choice' menu every half term. We have had a whole range of menus provided this way, from hot dogs and burgers to a red-themed lunch for Valentine's day!
80% of the dishes are prepared using fresh, unprocessed ingredients. Please take a look and encourage your children to try some of the new dishes if they haven’t tried them before. Taylor Shaw can create a bespoke menu if your child has any specialist dietary requirements. Contact them on 0114 273 4767 for advice or the school office.
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Dinner Menu Autumn Winter 2024.pdf | |||
Dinner Menu Spring Summer 2024.pdf |
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Taylor Shaw Keeping the Environment Green.pdf |
Additional funding to support your child
School will be able to access additional funding to support any child who qualifies for 'Free School Meals'. This is different to the Universal Infant Free School Meals all children were entitled to up until the end of year 2.
Children who qualify for this entitlement will also receive free school milk and £15 weekly holiday food vouchers which can be used at over 11 supermarkets, so it is really worth your while to check if you are eligible!
To meet the eligibility requirement for this, you should be in receipt of child benefit, and one of the following benefits:
Income Support;
Income Based Jobseekers Allowance;
An income-related employment and support allowance;
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;
Child Tax Credit, but not receiving Working Tax Credit, and your annual income does not exceed £16,190;
The guarantee element of State Pension Credit;
Parents receiving Working Tax Credit for four weeks after their employment finishes are entitled to free school meals during that period. This also applies to parents who start working less than 16 hours per week.
You can apply for the 'Free School Meal' entitlement in any of the following ways:
Completing an online application form via the Sheffield City Council website.
Breakfast Club
The cost is £3 per day for a single child or £2 per day for siblings. Children will need a small amount of cash if they wish to purchase food from the kitchen (prices from 20p-£1.10).
If your child is entitled to free school meals and wants to attend breakfast club, please contact the school office for more information.
Children enter Breakfast Club via the main entrance to school to be registered before visiting the dining room.