Our Core Values

As a school, we have used our vision statement to identify 6 core values which underpin everything we do. Each term we focus on a different core value. We explore this value through a range of assemblies and lessons in PSHE, ensuring that our pupils acquire a solid understanding of the value in which to base their future actions, decisions and judgements on, so that they may become well-rounded individuals who are able to make positive contributions to their community and are prepared for the next stage of their education.

Each of the values are woven through various aspects of day-to-day life, are displayed around school and referred to and discussed regularly. Each term culminates in our 'Halfway Heroes' assembly where we celebrate one child from each class who has expertly demonstrated the core value for the half-term. Parents are invited in to help us celebrate their child, with certificates and a special badge awarded to each child.


I am courageous

This core value is all about having courage. We learn about:

  • taking risks
  • overcoming fears and challenges
  • asking questions and being inquisitive
  • being enterprising 


I am collaborative

This core value is all about working together. We learn about:

  • teamwork
  • community links
  • sportsmanship
  • supporting others
  • being a leader
  • being led

I am respectful

This core value is all about showing respect. We learn about:

  • importance of being kind and have good manners
  • how to be good listeners
  • self-respect
  • respecting others  
  • respecting our environment                                                                                     


I am resilient

This core value is all about our 'bounce-back-ability! We learn about:

  • not giving up
  • being adaptable
  • learning from mistakes and adversity
  • enjoying challenges

I am aspirational

This core value is all about aiming high. We learn about:

  • being the best we can be
  • taking ownership
  • hard work
  • lifelong learning                                                                           


I am an individual

This core value is all about celebrating what makes us unique. We learn about:

  • celebrating creativity
  • celebrating talents
  • taking initiative
  • celebrating diversity