Celebrating Achievements

At Halfway Juniors, we believe strongly that celebrating pupils' positive contributions is a conerstone of growth both academically and in developing character. Through our collective assemblies, class time and interractions with pupils throughout the day, staff are on the lookout for behaviours, attitudes, contributions and efforts towards pupils' own groth, the development of others, and the school community as a whole.


Our House Teams

Our pupils are sorted into their house teams durings transition from Year 2 or on arrival to school. Pupils work towards the challenges set in Monday assemblies over the week to earn tokens towards their house team. The challenges may link towards core values, attitudes to learning, creating a community or personal development. Over the term, points are collected and shared, and the winning house receives a treat afternoon as a group.


Over the week, pupils earn tokens for their team for excellence, conistency or working towards a whole school challenge set on a Monday. The tokens are collected and added towards the team goal each week. Tokens are difficult to earn- pupils need to be at their best to be awarded this prestigeous prize!

Star of the Day

Each morning, classes discuss a target for the day. This may be around attitudes to learning, supporintg others, effort and engagement or something specific, such as learning something new and applying it to classwork. At the end of the day, one pupil will be awarded the star of the day and be celebrated for their efforts and progress.

Star of the Week

This certificate is awarded to pupils who demonstrate community and personal values over the week. They may have been a positive presence within the class, contributed to the culture of the school, supported theiur peers or met the challenges set by our adults for the week.

Learner of the Week

This certificate is awarded for pupils who have engaged brilliantly over the week, and applied both the learning behavious worked upon during classes, but also used and apllied the knowledge gained to make excellent progress in their lessons. This takes positivity, effort, attitude and resilience to achieve.

Halfway Heroes

Each term, we recognise a pupil from each class who has developed and consistently demonstrated our core value focus. Both assemblies on a Monday and our Chatroom sessions in the week explore themes and social situations within our community where values are important and make a positive difference. Pupils are challenged to manifest these attributes over the term and are celebrated during the final assembly each half term.
